
only a spoonful
junkrats wife

About Me!

Name: Moon/Moonie!Pronouns: she/her! cis het female!Age: 20!Other: silly goose autistic who like goofy men and cute things, baking, drawing sometimes writing, and loud music :))


my husband hehe

Just for Fun Kins & Favs

yeah just one!please please PLEASE no drug or smoking talk it makes me super uncomfortable :))

Ruffians if one of my newest worlds/stories. It involes two main characters, Cassie and Rokko. Cassie is a human reporter/freelance writer while Rokko is a goat like alien who seems to always be in trouble with either a mafia, gang or just a couple of bad dudes that he "borrowed" money from. It doesn't take place on Earth, this story is set in space on various planets and settings.They meet while Rokko is on the run from a couple goons. Cassie gets stuck in a corner with him and before she knows it, their hands are held tightly together and they're both running for their lives.I haven't got much of this story planned out yet, I just know they're going to be recruited for a dangerous job, a life or death situation in many ways.

Rokko and Cassie are pictured above.

Of Two Hearts is the story of my main OC, Moon. It follows her through her life from infant to adult. How she got a demon to be watching over her every move and how she's a part of the "worlds end".After an arranged marriage gone awry due to the kingdom of Yainora (Moons kingdom) and the kingdom of Isendor (the main antagonist's kingdom), Hemswick, the husband to be was distraught. Him and Moon had known each other for years and over time he grew feelings for her. Once his dream of marrying her was crushed and seeing how relieved she was to not marry him, he was a mess. Due to his fragile mental state, a demon took hold of him, promising everything he ever dreamed of, including his one and only love to be by his side. For a small fee of course, Hemswicks mind and body for the demon to control.Weak with anger and sadness, Hemswick agreed to the demons proposal. He slowly became someone else, growing angrier and more cruel as the days passed. He couldn't control his outbursts, his behavior scared him and he pleaded to back out of the deal but it was too late. He was destined to follow the path he chose and eventually, he was no longer himself, he could only watch from the inside as the demon, Drogormoth controlled his every move, feeding off his anger, speaking through Hemswicks subconscious feelings, acting on his deepest desires. The demon played the cushy role of Prince whenever it was needed, but there was no kindness directed to his kingdom.As that went on, Moon went on her own adventures. Finding love, making choices of her own, living her best life. Depending on which version of the story is being told, her lover is Tallest Purple from Invader Zim or the dark elf Viol from across the sea, prince of the kingdom Sa'Thalas.Moon and Hemswick meet up once again at a Gala held in Yainora. Moon of course, had brought her lover. Once Hemswick saw who Moon had chosen to be with her, he was furious. Moon introduced them to one another, still thinking this Hems was the one she used to know. His rage tipped over the edge further into the night as he saw the two exchange a kiss. Making a huge scene, he stormed off.Hems disappeared for a while, not showing his face in public. During this time, Moon had had her first child, Kai.theres more to write but I need to figure out some plot holes oopsies

Moon and Hemswick are pictured above.

User Box Time :))